About two weeks ago, I asked if my YouTube community would like to see more videos about Evernote or a wider variety of topics. I did it because the channel statistics strongly suggested that a recent series of videos about Evernote was making people happy.
The results of my poll on Patreon and YouTube were clear. More than 80% of those who voted wanted more videos about Evernote. I've been doing that ever since, and the poll numbers were spot-on. All channel numbers are growing more than before, even the supporters on Patreon and YouTube. By the way, I also started publishing exclusive videos about Evernote for members.
It doesn't mean that I'll stop publishing about other topics, but I'll do my best to keep the focus on Evernote, especially after recently reading an official explanation about YouTube's algorithm. I'll talk about that in more detail later, but for now, allow me to explain the plan for this newsletter.
“Remember Last Month” is now “Elefficient Thoughts”
At first, I was going to move it to my blog provider, which would allow me to automate the sending process. It may not seem like it, but putting together that monthly email is a lot of work.
However, while setting up my website, I asked myself, “Why not just stop sending a monthly newsletter?”
From now on, instead of waiting until the end of the month to send you a huge list, I’ll post more frequently here. The goal is to share in real time the complementary articles I publish with some of my videos. If you like the idea, all you have to do is stay subscribed. If that is not for you, I fully understand. All I ask is that you stay for a while and give it a shot.
Of course, the “Remember Last Month” name had to go.
You are subscribed to “Elefficient Thoughts”.
I hope you stay with me on this new journey 💚
Have a lovely day, Vlad.
PS. Elefficient is a combination of the words Elephant and Efficient.
Elefficient, what a name 👌, love that.
Thanks for theses newsletters, always something great to learn.
I will really appreciate if you do more content about Evernote, your videos help me to implement good practices. 🙏👍
Love Elefficient and we can never have too many Evernote videos.